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Standard Websites

$500 $150/Project Cost
For a limited time, take advantage of special pricing!
Full workflow for Website design & development
Ongoing consultations for updates and fixes
Website hosting
Web Domain registration and renewals
SEO Management
Content evaluation
Website updates and general maintenance

eCommerce Websites

$750 $300/Project Cost
For a limited time, take advantage of special pricing!
Everything from the Standard Website package plus...
Transaction and payment system setup
Pricing structures to manage discounts & promotions
Commerce system management
Inventory Photography
Marketing campaign assistance
Customer data management

Database Websites

$1,000 $500/Project Cost
For a limited time, take advantage of special pricing!
Everything from the Standard and eCommerce packages plus...
Multi-page website built for various users
Database setup and management
User logins and security management
Content management based on user access
Database sorting and content management